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The Cultural War
by Arturo Ruiz
S hile we all remember the sixties and seventies as the years of social upheaval and student at that time universities and culture generally characterized as diverse and group different visions of the world. Many of the ideas that would later degenerate into "progressive" ideology appeared around these as what became known as counterculture. The counterculture was critical of the then dominant culture and, in many respects, aspired to enhance freedoms and its demands were just. Let us remember in this sense the civil rights movement of Dr. Martin Luther King in the United States, which effectively fought prejudice and quite unjust policies of segregation ...

by Juan Cristóbal Demian
The human being operates in a material and an immaterial dimension of existence, it is present before him and man writes his destiny in and with it. By not being alone, they recognize their creative power, purely spiritual, in coexistence with their peers, giving way to communication, and by using this tool they register their relationship with the world around them and anticipate their actions.
Gathered around their achievements and experiences in the world, men form communities that confirm their humanity and catapult them, by giving them shelter, towards the search for happiness. With or without wanting to, in that search they move away or get closer to the truth; The truth is that in their freedom they point out the ideas that correspond to that truth and that, therefore, bring them closer to happiness.